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Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

What is Non Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Non Surgical Rhinoplasty is a treatment using dermal filler to alter the profile shape of the nose, the treatment takes upto 20 minutes and is a effective way to achieve a nose you can be confident with, without having to take the risk of having surgery.

Does it hurt?

Non Surgical Rhinoplasty can cause mild discomfort but shouldn't be painful, we use topical numbing agent to improve comfortability throughout the treatment.

Are you suitable for this treatment

All nose's of shapes and sizes can be suitable for Non Surgical Rhinoplasty, with the treatment we can reduce the appearance of dorsal humps, bumps in the nose and help improve the tip of the nose with a tip lift. The treatment is not suitable for anyone who has had previous surgery on their nose.

How long does it last?

Dermal fillers can last from 6 months upto 12 months dependant on individual characteristics. After care is important to ensure the longevity of the fillers.

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